e-Court is an online platform active in more than # 45 countries, where Counsel Providers - all "vetted" Professionals such as Mediators, Arbitrators, Judges & Counsellors offer 24/7 "Conflict Resolution" services in a SECURE internet environment and in real time to : Counsel / Advice Seekers such as Individuals, Companies, Organizations & all levels of Governments in a speedy, expert and affordable manner. In which group do you belong ?

Our Mission statement:

Our Mission statement: e-Court PeaceKeeper aims to be a champion for the consumer, achieving this by offering passionate and visionary values. These are: Value for Money: To offer honest, simple, and transparent pricing. Quality of Service: To offer services without compromising any of e-Courts values. Specifically to be professional and with unquestionable integrity. For the People: To offer conflict resolution services for everyone, not just those who can afford it. Challenging: To offer new and innovative ideas, to always push the boundaries of conventional thinking. Force for Good: e-Court would like to see itself as making a positive contribution to peoples lives and as a force for good. We will achieve these goals by : view what sets us apart


and ... seek conflict resolution with prior knowledge of costs & duration and perhaps best of all interactive and in real time ? We even meet offline in several countries, such as Canada, USA. Then sign up via the venue for those who seek to solve their conflicts, or via the venue for those wishing to offer professional services. Please click on the following links :

(1)  Counsel Seekers : Individuals, Companies & Org. and, Governments

(2)  "Solo" Practitioners / Providers ( arms length ) : Mediators, Arbitrators, Judges & Counsellors ( subject to "vetting" )

(3)  In-House "Contract" Practitioners / Providers: Professionals holding positions within various e-Court subsidiaries

(click image)

e-Court / Peacekeeper and subsidiaries comply fully with the EU General Data Protection Regulation


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