( also visit https://e-court.de.com on your desktop )

Benefits for Counsel Seekers & Providers
( see groups outlined below ) :
* Accountability & Transparency
* Services by "vetted" Professionals
* Prior knowledge of Costs/Duration
* Expedient & Up to 60% lower cost
* Guaranteed Payout via Escrow
* On/Off-line Networking
* Verified & Secure
* Desk/LapTop & Mobile friendly
* Optional Virtual Reality
What we do : e-Court is an online platform active in more than # 45 countries, where "vetted" Professionals such as Mediators, Arbitrators, Judges & Counsellors offer "Conflict Resolution" services in real time to : Individuals, Companies, Organizations & all levels of Governments in a speedy, expert and affordable manner. We are Germany's best & most exciting interactive, in real time & "optional" virtual reality 24/7 ODR/ADR Network

Justice for everyone
with pre knowledge of costs & duration
The case for e-Court PeaceKeeper has never been "stronger . The ongoing revolution in internet technology and artificial intelligence systems allow us to dispose most of our problems with a click of a mouse button. Hence, the increasing digitisation of society presents an immense opportunity to provide justice to the masses..
As more of our lives are led online, people increasingly expect that more of what they do in the physical world should be available online as well, including the resolution of their disputes. Therefore e-Court is both timely and considered a natural extension of this digital revolution with access to expert justice fast, and affordable. We are part of The International Court for Online Conflict Resolution Inc. (ICOCR).
(1) View our Press Release
(2) View Crowd-Funding campaign.

(3) New Mobile Apps from Apple/Google Stores are currently under development.
(5) Now in Australia & New Zealand. View linkedin and AU-cert.

e-Court is a natural extension of the digital revolution
e-Court / Peace Keeper offers Mediation duties in an electronic conference room; We bring the parties together in an environment where parties can freely, confidentially present their position. We simply help to facilitate discussion and eventual resolution of the dispute without judging the case.
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We believe that time an experienced arbitrator ( for binding decisions ) spend on a particular case is pure thinking, not paperwork ! At its core, arbitration is a form of dispute resolution. We place our member clients interests before any other parties(s) and we strictly abide by our mission statement!
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Legal Opinion
Judges interpret the law, assess the evidence, and control hearings in the e-Court electronic courtrooms. Most importantly, our judges are impartial decision-makers in the pursuit of justice. e-Court's legal opinions are established by judges who spend time on a particular case with pure thinking, not paperwork !
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e-Court Counsellors help people to explore feelings and emotions and allow member clients to reflect on past events and consider alternative ways of doing things. Counsellors work in a confidential setting and help clients to make their own choices within the framework of an agreed counselling contract.

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As of today, in excess of
Are you a counsel seeker or provider ?
We serve Individuals/Families, the Medical/Vet. Professionals, Companies, Governments and the Legal Community around the world, in a SECURE internet environment with 24/7 support from Professional Arbitrators & Judges, Legal Advisors, Court Clerks, Member Coordinators, Finance & Administrators. All registered full memberships obtain their own individualized Member Panel. Select your Choice !